
A word I did not give much thought to until recently. I came across it reading the Aquarian Age article by Elsa M. Glover;

then I would see this word mentioned again on some of the different blogs I had been reading. An entry at Sue Ann’s site reminded me of it more.

I am finding it a very beautiful word or type of experience because of these meanings and I feel like it is like a pure form of empathy or the true art of listening. It is I think, since at times I feel a loss of words to explain what I mean, why I wish ones could read my mind.

“The vibration of the mind can be stilled, the consciousness being withdrawn from it; an impact from without will then shape an image exactly corresponding to itself.”
–Annie Besant, “Thought Power”

“Resonance” is a term used to describe what happens when one system sends out some waves that travel to another system and start the second system to vibrating. For resonance to occur, the two systems must have the same natural frequency of vibration. In this manner, one vibrating tuning fork can send out waves that can cause another similar tuning fork to start vibrating. A radio station can send out waves that can cause a radio to respond if the radio is tuned to the same frequency as the station.

People also radiate waves. When a thought is constructed it causes mental, emotional, and etheric waves to radiate outward from the person who created it. If these waves are clear and steady, and if someone is able to attune himself to them and resonate to them, then the receiver will become aware of the thoughts and feelings of the sender. At the emotional level, resonance produces sympathy in the receiver. At the intellectual level, resonance produces understanding in the receiver.

The radiations from Aquarius stimulate the development of resonance in people. If we would hasten the progress of the world toward the Aquarian Age, we may consciously attempt to improve our ability to resonate with others. In order to achieve resonance, the receiver must be able to attune himself to the sender. If the reciver has his own opinions as to what the sender ought to be thinking or feeling, or if the receiver has prejudices as to what the sender could think or feel, then the reciver will atune his mind to his own preconceived ideas, and resonance will not occur. If the receiver is to attune himself to the sender, he must clear his mind of his own thoughts and be open to receiving whatever thoughts the sender radiates.

Thoughts of separativeness [superiority, pride, annoyance, anger] also tend to hinder resonance. On the other hand, love aids resonance. With practice, we can learn to resonate to a broader and broader range of types of people.
Resonance can also be extended to animals, plants, and things. In time, we will learn to sympathize with animals, and to see things from their point of view, and to attune ourselves to the inner being of plants, and understand the life within them, and to comprehend even the mineral and constructions made from the mineral kingdom materials. Works of art [stories, drawings paintings, sculptures, and musical compositions] all have built into them the feelings and thoughts of their creators and can only be properly appreciated if the observer can attune himself to the creation and allow its built-in feelings and thoughts to resonate within his own soul.
In the Aquarian Age, people are supposed to become self-directing. To become self-directing, people need the Light within. To gain the Light within, people need to be able to attune themselves to and resonate with other people and the world around them and with the Cosmic Consciousness [God]. When people resonate with others, they sympathize with others and understand others and thence can resolve conflicts with others. When people resonate with the world around them, they can learn to live in harmony with it. When people can resonate with the Cosmic Consciousness, they can understand the Divine Law and Plan and can understand what they need to do to move forward in the scheme of evolution.”

-Besant, Annie. Thought Power. Wheaton, Illinois: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1973.

10 thoughts on “Resonance

  1. Yeah!! A new post! :)

    I like to use the word ‘resonaate’ myself, Tumel, for all of the reasons you’ve done a great job of describing. I particularly like this sentence:

    “When people resonate with the world around them, they can learn to live in harmony with it. When people can resonate with the Cosmic Consciousness, they can understand the Divine Law and Plan and can understand what they need to do to move forward in the scheme of evolution.”

    Harmony and Purpose….two very important words to me, personally. Thank you for sharing!

  2. Hi Grace:) I really loved what she wrote in the sentence you mentioned as well, and this one too,

    “If the receiver is to attune himself to the sender, he must clear his mind of his own thoughts and be open to receiving whatever thoughts the sender radiates.”

    I try to do this more consiously now, sometimes it feels as if it as simple as replacing thinking with feeling, but I love what I hear when I do, it feels so much more open:)

    I have been reading about her more, Elsa M. Glover, and came across some of her quotes, which I love too, and reading about Annie Besant as well.

  3. Excellent word! Excellent writing! It is lovely when our thoughts/actions resonate. That is often when we feel most aligned. When we are alinged with our authentic self, we resonate in all that we think and do! Love your thoughts!

  4. This is a great article Tumel and it goes right along with something that I’ve been going to write about for some time now.

    Someone mentioned the word “ripples” and it got me to thinking about the effect of ripples and it seems like this resonance and vibrating goes hand in hand with the ripple/effect action.

    I know what I’ve added here doesn’t add too much to the conversation but I did want to thank you for posting this artilce here because it adds a bit to what it was I’ve been thinking about – among other things of course. (smiling here)

    I do hope you’ve been taking care of yourself, enjoying yourself and are doing well. Peace to you today and all days.

    ~ RS ~

  5. Resonance…contemplate the phrase/word: Response-ability.

    What experiences in life to we respond to harmoniously?

  6. For me it is the experiences that somehow just feel right. The ones where such joy is felt. These I feel could become addictive:)

  7. Even a single celled creature is addicted to pleasure. It’s simply the way all life is programmed. We all have receptors for pleasure peptides.

    What we have been taught to do is limit our experiences of *joy* by creating conditions. Once we do this, then our life becomes a pursuit to create, control and maintain all those outer conditions. We become control freaks, trying to control, by force, all conditions and choices.

    If we simply change our perspective, to one of greater height say, or expanded understanding, then the experience of *joy* is possible in every single moment of our lives.

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